We’re Stronger Together | The Legend of Tanith Part 4

Previously on The Legend of Tanith Part 3

“We can do this, guys!! For Tanith!!” -Sage

“We’re all gonna die.” -Kalen

“Follow the white deer.” -The All Knowing Gem

|Rules for Fighting|

Don’t leave the area we are in. In this case, that would mean you should stay by the group in the forest.

Be realistic. You aren’t going to be taking everyone down. There will be times when you are hit, or your blade is. There will be injuries.

You guys can act other characters you are fighting but I’ll be playing the eye patch dude. 😉

The eye patch dude is the hardest to take down. We will all take him down at the end of the fight so save him for last. (If we can take him down.)

Have fun and be creative!

“We’re getting nearer, I can feel it.” I announced excitedly. After the gem gave us direction, we had taken to the forest to search for the white deer. Maybe it would come out and we could follow it to the scroll. We were so close to getting the scroll and we couldn’t stop now.

Nothing could stop us now.

Or at least I thought.

“Nothing could stop us now. Or at least I thought.”

Since I had taken to my usual spot of being in front of the group, the gust of wind hit me first, knocking me back. Then the water came, spraying me in my eyes. By the time I wiped away everything, a sword was at my neck.

“Stupid Mages.” I grumbled. Fighting against a Mage was harder than fighting against a sword. I glanced up to see who my attacker was. Holding the blade that was pressing into my neck, was someone I hoped I’d never see.

And he had an eyepatch.

The Dark had been following us.

I went to swallow but remembered the sword against my neck. Even if I were to get out of his hold, there were probably plenty of Mages, Guardians, and Healers in his group, hidden in the forest, ready to end us. This was going to be a deadly fight. And all I could do was pray that no one on my team got hurt. Or worse.

The eye patch dude, who was large in stature, pushed the blade further against my throat.

I couldn’t breathe. We were trapped. We fell into their traps.

I prayed (again) that my team would make a smart move, get me out of this hold, and fight with all their hearts.

We were stronger together.

139 thoughts on “We’re Stronger Together | The Legend of Tanith Part 4

  1. Cassie felt a cold blade on her neck and immediately froze, muttering several swear words under her breath.
    As far as she could tell, her attacker was behind her. Moving slowly, so that the person would hopefully not notice her movement, she reached for one of the daggers in her belt, and then in a swift movement stabbed backwards.
    Her dagger met and carved through flesh with a sickly sound. A man groaned and the blade that had been on her neck fell to the ground next to her with a loud clink.
    She whirled around, pulling out the dagger from the stomach of her attacker, who turned out to be a boy scarcely older than herself. The squelching noise and the red blood bubbling from his fatal wound almost made her ill, but she swallowed hard.
    This was why she preferred using the water powers she had to using her weapons, but she didn’t want to tire herself out too quickly in the fight.
    Then, glancing around, she beheld with horror that almost all of her companions were likewise encumbered, and that there were several other people not even threatening any of her companions. They seemed to be seriously outnumbered, but no one had noticed the fact that she had killed her opponent so she moved carefully to the edge of the fight, to get a better vantage point and hopefully avoid anymore people sneaking up on her.

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  2. Manasi didn’t fight.
    She’d bent rules the way she wanted to her whole life, sneaking and scampering and running. But this rule was one she’d never dare to touch.
    She refused to spill a drop of blood. But she could still help, right?
    The advantages of being so short that five year old children seemed to tower over you is that hiding was incredibly easy. Nobody noticed when Manasi snuck out the cave, which is exactly how she wanted it. She emerged in the forest, and the first thing she did was use her Mage powers and dig herself into a deep hole.
    She closed her eyes and hunched over, bracing both her palms against the dirt and mud.
    And then she listened .
    It wasn’t like hearing with your ears. It was…. Different. Like reaching out through the soil, stretching out as far as you can go- and opening yourself up to the vibrations that reverberate through the ground. The way a tuning fork works, maybe.
    There were people everywhere- not too many, but they were scattered throughout.
    Manasi’s original plan had been to trigger a huge earthquake- but that would be too dangerous. Instead, she drew her attention away from the deep soil, and instead to the shallower layers of earth on top, focusing on the spots where she could feel people- the thumping of hearts, the shuffling of feet, the deep steady weight of standing.
    She then took a deep breath in, reached her hand upwards, and shifted the soil around them. Her aim wasn’t to injure, or kill- it was to distract, to disorient them entirely. Maybe it would be easier for the others to pick them off, then. Or give them time too escape.
    Manasi groaned with the effort, and sent out one final wave. She could hear screams- it was impossible to tell whether it was her team’s or the Dark’s.
    She drew some mud toward her, and sealed the top of the hole she was in. She was shaking and sweating, and trying another move right now was a bad idea- she just needed some time to rest…

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    • A few minutes later, Manasi crawled out, still weak. Immediately, she was ambushed by a tall woman wielding an axe.
      She cried out as the woman pushed her back into the hole, and managed to bend the earth to cushion herself just in time. The woman hit the ground with a thud as Manasi scrambled out of the hole, but she wasn’t quick enough- the woman grabbed her by the leg, and threw her back into the hole they were in.
      Her axe reared up high as Manasi’s vision swam. She acted without thinking, then- using her Mage powers, Manasi flung dirt into her eyes, and then knocked her cold out with a large stone.
      “Sorry,” Manasi mumbled. She tore off some cloth from her shirt and wrapped it around the woman’s head- whether they were on her side or not, all warriors deserved honour. The woman would likely awake with a nasty headache.

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      • She was too weak to fight anymore. The woman had cut her and bruised her in far too many places, so Manasi crawled up the nearest tree and waited silently.
        Shouts and yells and the clang of metal echoed all around, but all Manasi could do was hope that there was a Healer nearby.

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      • Keonna finally noticed the injured Manasi. She offered a bloody hand.
        “Come with me; I’ll keep you safe. Even if you can’t fight and you’re bleeding out, I can make sure you’re not injured further.”
        Keonna hoisted the young girl onto her broad back. “I’ll carry you,”

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      • Manasi smiled weakly at her, blood bubbling at the corner of her mouth.
        “Thank you,” she said, as Keonna heaved her onto her back. Keonna’s strength was truly admirable- she was managing to carry her while herself being injured.
        “I owe you a life debt…”, Manasi mumbled, before promptly fainting.

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      • Amethyst’s heart pounded in her ears and a wave of panic washed over her. She could’ve kicked herself for not getting to her teammates sooner. Now almost all of them were injured and on the verge of death. She squeezed her eyes shut and hid behind a tree. “Think, think, think.” Amethyst whispered. Okay, first she needed to calm down. She was a Healer. She had been in bad situations like this before. Surely she could handle this. Second, she needed a plan. Amethyst flicked her gaze around to survey the scene. Several of her teammates were down, but she couldn’t treat them all at the same time. Her eyes landed on Manasi.

        Yes. Get to her. She was hurt first and Amethyst had no idea how long she had been unconscious.

        Amethyst darted over to Manasi’s side and examined her wounds. She had several cuts and bruises and appeared to have lost a lot of blood. “No way are you dying on my watch,” she mumbled. Amethyst pulled out a healing potion and forced it down Manasi’s throat. Hopefully that would seal the wounds and give her enough strength to wake up and move again.

        Now…onto the next patients.

        (OOC: Wow, never really written a scene like that before. XD Hope I sounded “medical” enough.) 😉

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  3. Kalen froze as someone held a blade to his throat, holding both ends. There were two more in front of him holding rope. They’re probably going to tie Kalen up and take him away. Kalen head butted the guy behind him, probably breaking his nose. That ss him free of the sword. Kalen drew out his bow, grabbed two arrows from his quiver, stabbed the guy behind him and notched the arrows to the string of the bow. He drew the string back and released. The blood covered arrows flew, each toward one guy. One arrow hit one guy, both in the chest, and they dropped dead. Then he scanned the area, seeing if anyone needed help.

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    • Kalen saw four men running towards him, their swords drawn. They were big and clunky and the men were slow. “Not sure four men is enough to take me down” Kalen said under his breath. He pulled out the arrows from the dead bodies around him that he killed and held one arrow in each hand. Kalen ran to those men. He threw an arrow like a spear, and it impaled the guy in front. He ran and kicked that arrow and it went through that guy and also made him stumble backwards into the guy behind him. The arrow, now sticking out of the first guy’s back, impaled him as well. Then Kalen drew out his bow and notched the arrow. He pulled back as far as he could, aimed for the part of the body with little to no bones. Why? There was someone right behind the guy he was aiming for. Kalen released the string and the arrow flew. And as fast as a wasp it went through both of those guys and they fell.

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  4. Keonna sighed as she felt a blade pressed against her neck.
    “Really? You’re gonna try and fight me?”
    She grinned and lit her hand on fire. “This is gonna be easy.”
    She grasped the hand behind her and burned it. She could feel him trying to block her hand, but he couldn’t.
    Keonna kept gripping the wrist of the person as she spun around. She unsheathed her sword and quickly slit his throat. He collapsed, choking.
    Keonna rolled her eyes. “That WAS too easy,”
    She rummaged through his bag and took a letter, a small jagged obsidian blade, and all of his food.
    She could hear another person running towards her, and screaming.
    She sighed again. She pressed her still burning hand against the second man’s face. He collapsed.
    Keonna took off his black boots. “I needed a pair of these…”
    They were a little loose, but they worked.
    She also took off his long black cloak and black mask. “Now I can disguise myself… Time for payback, fools.”

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    • As she surveyed her surroundings, she noticed that she was in the forest of the White Deer.
      “I bet if I found the deer, the fools would stop attacking us.”
      She ran into the thick of the trees. She was going to find the creature, and either skin it alive, or bring it too the fight.

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      • She knew that she was supposed to stay near her group, so she didn’t look very far.
        And she was disappointed.
        “Alright, I’ll fight some more.”
        She rolled her sleeves and jumped into a group of three guys. She fought like a demon, scratching and biting and burning.

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  5. Kyra watched the scene from the shadows covering her mouth. There was so much red. Was there a way she could help? Half of her friends were managing themselves and the other half had a blade to their throat. “D-does anyone have a weapon I can use?” Then she spotted Rae. Her friend’s face was a beet ugly color. “Rae!” She shouted and burst from the side. Kyra was almost there! Suddenly a pair of filthy hands muffled her scream and pulled her back. She struggled until she ran out of strength. Her body was beginning to fall limp. She reached in her pack with an open arm and pulled out a small blade. This blade wasn’t meant for fighting. “Ugh.” She grumbled through the man’s hands. Kyra put the blade back and pulled out a smooth ball. Yes! This was what she needed. Kyra had made this out of some herbs. It was a blinding ball. She was saving this for a special occasion. Kyra decided this was the time to use it and she shoved it into her attacker’s face. His hands let go and went straight to his face.

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    • Audrey panicked as she watched all her friends fighting. Someone must of noticed that nobody was taking care of her, because the next thing she knew, she had 2 people choking her. She was on the ground. With much effort, she was able to get one of them off her. Audrey smirked. She always kept a small knife in her pocket and tried to use it on the ugly man attacking her. After what seemed like forever, he finally fell to the floor. Audrey didn’t kill him, but he did make sure he had a bruise large enough to make sure he never messed with her again.

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  6. Elle looked around, eyes wide. She had not been expecting this. Everything had been going smoothly. But of course, things would go downhill. No adventure is complete without a bit of action. No quest is complete without a fight with the enemies.
    She felt someone behind her, and her instincts kicked in. She ducked just as a hand with a long sword stabbed into the empty air where her head had been. She rolled away and stood up smoothly, turning to face the owner of the sword.
    It was a woman with her face covered in a black mask. Elle could see the woman’s eyes; they were green. Like a frog’s. Ms Frog rushed towards Elle with the sword held in a way that aimed to kill. It was so quick Elle barely had time to hold her weapon in defence. She dodged to the side, luckily missing the blow.
    Stop being a coward and start fighting, she chided herself. What was she? A chicken?
    She held Felix in front of her, just as Ms Frog stabbed at her. She blocked the blow this time and pushed back using Felix. Ms Frog slightly lost her balance; it seemed she was not expecting her baton to block the blow so efficiently.
    She didn’t want to kill her enemy, so she avoided hitting Ms Frog on the head. But her enemy had different plans. Ms Frog stabbed at her again, this time the tip of the blade tearing her clothes and scratching her skin. Elle hissed at the burn. The pain was bearable.
    “Oh no, Ms Frog. You are not winning.”
    Ms Frog fell on her knees with a painful yelp as Elle hit her hard on the legs.
    She swung her baton again, this time hitting her enemy’s arms. There was a painful crunch, barely audible over the chaos. Ms Frog gave a yell and fell on her face. And didn’t move.
    Something in her heart twinged in pain. She hoped she hadn’t killed Ms Frog, even though Ms Frog was part of the enemy who obviously wanted to kill her and her teammates.
    Ducking low, she joined the chaos.

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  7. Enemies were everywhere. And there were many. Her teammates were fighting. She couldn’t see some of them. Panic threatened to drown her.
    “Stay calm. Stay calm. Stay calm.” She muttered to herself as she tried to reach her teammates.
    She knew she couldn’t fight in this alone. She needed at least one of her teammates beside her. She was frightened, yes… Call her cowardly, but she didn’t care. She needed someone at her side, or she would go blank in panic.
    Maybe they should fight in pairs? Like back to back…
    She had to admit she wanted to fight in pairs because she was scared out of her mind, but it did make sense. Didn’t it?
    After all, two heads were better than one…
    “HEY,” she yelled over the screams and shouts, hoping her teammates would hear her, “I THINK WE SHOULD STICK TOGETHER.”

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    • Keonna heard Elle’s cries. “I agree. I’m gathering everyone up, because I can fight the best.”
      Keonna grinned lopsidedly and turned quickly as someone approached them. She stabbed him in the gut without hesitation.
      “See?” she said, not even out of breath.

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      • Elle raised her eyebrows, impressed. 
        “Oh no, you are not the best,” she grinned, knowing this wasn’t true, but she didn’t tell Keonna that.
        She felt someone grab her arm harshly. Reaching into one of her pockets, she pulled out a small sword and stabbed it into the person behind her. The grip on her arm loosened and she whirled around, hitting the man on his legs, making him fall. She followed close behind Keonna, who fought quite ruthlessly. 
        Another person came towards her, an axe in his hands. He raised his arm to bring it down but suddenly fell to the ground. 
        “Huh… Oh.” She noticed two arrows pierced his side. Whoever had done that, she sent a silent thank you to them. 
        “Keonna,” she turned towards her, hitting someone with her baton, “Have you seen Rae? She was being-” She broke off as another man came towards her. How many more did they have to fight?
        She swung her baton, not thinking as she hit him on the head. He went down immediately, either dead or unconscious. She clenched her jaw and moved away. No time to waste.

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  8. “Guys! Does anyone have an extra weapon I can use? I’m only a Healer. If not, then let me dress your wounds!” Kyra shouted, then regretted it when someone turned to her. With his smug grin and extended hands, he approached me. Then he fell to the ground, eyes blank. I looked up to see Keonna holding a red-stained blade.
    “Thanks.” I mouthed to her. All I got was a blink before she turned away. Phew. Kyra let out her breath then set to work preparing all the herbs she would need for her friends when this fight was won. If it was won. No. She couldn’t be negative. She knew that they were going to win.

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    • “Kyra! Come on,” Elle noticed Kyra as she hit someone with Felix, strongly hoping it wasn’t someone on her team.
      “We need to stick together. Keonna is trying to gather everyone.” She held out her small sword to her teammate. 
      “Here, it is a small one, but it stabs just fine.” 

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  9. Rae tumbled back onto Gwen causing her to fall down. Gwen almost fell on top of her monkey but narrowly dodged him. In result, she got a nice face full of mud. By the time Gwen looked up, a man with an eye patch had his knife wrapped around Rae’s throat.
    Immediately Gwen’s instincts took over. The logical, shy, timid, scared-of-talking-to-strangers Gwen vanished, and a new, almost machine version of her took control.
    All reason was lost.
    Instead of waiting to talk to this man to see what he wanted, Gwen’s fury took over. She whipped out her Chakris and threw one right at the man holding Rae. She nicked his hand but didn’t get to see if it gave Rae enough leverage on him before she felt a sharp pain in her left shoulder.
    Gwen turned around to see an angry woman running right for her. Her daggers jangled at her hip and the anger in her eyes was unmistakable.
    For a moment, Gwen wondered if they had done anything to anger these people this much, but she couldn’t think for long because the woman threw another dagger that barely missed her pet monkey on her other shoulder.
    Gwen threw two of her Chakris at the woman, and the second one made it’s mark.
    “Go get my weapons” Gwen ordered her monkey, not sure if she was saying it right. She had already thrown half of them. The monkey hopped of her shoulder and skittered away.
    A man approached Gwen, and she sliced at him with a Chakri sending him to the ground groaning in pain.
    Another person attacked her, and she might have used a little too much gusto to knock him back. Gwen’s past was flashing before her eyes, and it made her fury grow, almost blinding her.
    Gwen’s monkey came back with her weapons, his cute little hands curled around the handles in the center.
    “I need to come up with a name for you” Gwen muttered has she lifted him onto her shoulder.
    Gwen’s ears perked as she heard a familiar voice shouting through the chaos. It sounded like Keonna, she was trying to gather everyone.
    Gwen headed her way.

    (Sorry if that comment was too long, I just really got into it. Also, not sure I’m very good at writing fighting scenes XD)

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  10. Rae continued to struggle with the eyepatch guy’s blade pressed against her neck. The harder he pushed, the less she could breathe. She even felt a small trickle of blood run down her neck. Rae wanted to fight him, but the hold he had her in limited the options. All she had left to do was hope another one of her teammates saw this and helped her out.
    Just as she was thinking that, a Chakris flew past her face, grazing the eyepatch man’s hand. Rae knew immediately who threw that and thanked her silently in her mind. The distraction allowed Rae to wiggle away from his grasp, unsheath her twin daggers, and bolt behind a tree. Hidden from the battlefield, Rae surveyed the fighting. She knew she couldn’t take on the eyepatch man for his strength was too great for one. They would need the entire team for that job.

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    • Before Rae could even decide where to fight next, an arrow flew past her shoulder, barely missing Gwen in the distance as she fought.
      There was an archer in the trees.
      She snuck to the bottom of the tree, preparing to climb it and stop the attacker when a searing pain burned her back. Just from the pain, Rae could already tell it wasn’t a little burn. She screamed and collapsed on the ground, her vision spiraling out of control. The Fire Mage behind burned her again in a similar spot.
      Rae had grown up living with sunburns in her desert village, but these burns felt unimaginable. Even though Rae vowed to never throw her precious daggers, she chucked the dagger with all her might into the Mage. The sound it made let Rae know her blade met her target.
      All Rae wanted to do was curl into a ball and lay there. But knowing she had to stop that archer, Rae pulled herself to her feet, retrieved her dagger, and began to climb the tree. Halfway up, Rae threw one of her daggers into the archer and she fell from the tree, wounded but not dead. Rae jumped down from her perch and sat against the trunk, quietly cursing and begging the burning to stop.

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      • Audrey saw Rae in pain. “Oh no!” She gasped. “WE NEED A HEALER OVER HERE!!!” She yelled.
        Unfortunately, the same ugly man she had fought before had come to fight her again. She had obviously not learned her lesson. Audrey rolled eyes. “Geez, I guess I shoulda killed you before.” She said annoyed. The man became furious and threatened he would kill Rae, who was clearly very weak. “NEVER,” Audrey yelled. And with that, she punched him in the gut, but not before he used his knife to get in a small cut on her shoulder. After that was taken care of, she looked back at Rae worridly. She hoped a healer would get to her in time.

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      • Kyra frantically looked around and spotted the core of the shouting. Audrey was holding Dahlia in her arms and Rae was limp by the tree trunk. Kyra ran to Rae and fell to her knees pulling out her mortar and pestle. She crushed up some herbs that would help her severe burns and placed them on her back.
        Rae mouthed “thank you.” Kyra turned her attention to Dahlia.

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  11. Liana turned around to face the battle. Everywhere she looked, her friends were fighting. She scanned the area, looking for something to attack. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a person sneaking up on Rae and rushed over to intercept her. Liana grabbed a nearby branch that had fallen off a tree and stuck it in front of the person as they were running towards Rae. The figure stumbled and fell, crashing into the hard, wet dirt beneath them.
    Liana saw her chance and grabbed a dagger from a man who’d fallen beside her – fortnately, the man looked like he was on the other side- and threw it at the person who’d tripped. It hit its mark, and Liana rushed around to find more people who needed help.

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  12. A dark figure lunged for Dahlia. Dahlia winced before leaping out of the way.
    A mild curse word slipped out of her mouth. “Crap,” (oog: (I think that means “out of game”?) like my attempt at cursing? lol, I’m pretty good methinks)
    She lifted her arms, staring deeply at her attacker. Her brows tighten in anger and her face stiffened. “You aren’t getting away with this!”
    Water spews from her hands, knocking her attacker off his feet.
    As Dahlia managed a small grin, she felt a sharp pain in her back.
    “Ahhggh,” she mumbled.
    She weakly turned around to see another dark figure, this time with a small dagger. Dahlia’s eyes drift toward her bloodied back. She blinked rapidly before softly crying, “Help,”
    Her tired eyes drooped and the world faded to black.

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    • “Oh no!!! Dahlia!!!” Audrey gasped worridly. “First Rae, now you too! Where’s a healer when you need them?” Audrey was so angry at the person who attacked Dahlia, that she used her water powers to nearly drown him. “Get. Away. From. Her.” She said ferociously. With no other option, the attacker first got in a good punch in Audrey’s gut and went off in another direction. Holding her gut, she stared at both Dahlia and Rae. We were losing and everyone knew it.

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      • Audrey looked everywhere for a healer but wasn’t able to see any. She checked for Rae’s and Dahlia’s heartbeat. She could feel it, but just bearly. Audrey was heartbroken. She couldn’t help it, she slumped down next to them, and tried her best not to cry.

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    • Kyra’s eyes widened as she saw how much red was coming from Dahlia’s back. She pulled out a clean cloth and applied direct pressure to the wound. Kyra wanted to take out the dagger out of her back, but doing so would result in more damage. “Please stop bleeding!” Kyra turned to Audrey. “Don’t worry, we will fix her up. We need Amethyst, the potions healer, to come but I’m not sure she has any potions on her. All we can do is wait here and see if any of my herbs work.”

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      • “COMING!!!!” Amethyst shrieked. She coughed and fell to her knees next to Dahlia. “So sorry for the delay. Okay, um, she needs a healing potion, but I already use mine on Manasi.” She frantically looked around. “HEY KEONNA!!! I need the potions you bought at the market! It’s a life or death situation here!!!” She knotted her mouth. Actually, it was a life or death situation everywhere. It sure was overwhelming to be the only potions healer around. She just hoped with every ounce of her soul that Keonna would get here in time.

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    • Rae crawled over from her spot under the tree to where Dahlia was hurt. Kyra’s herbs were really starting to kick in, cooling the burning sensation on her back. Now we had another life in danger. “Are you doing all you can?” Rae pleaded to Kyra.

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  13. Julia had been trailing slightly behind everyone else, lost in thought. She hid in some bushes when everyone else when forward, hearing voices. She nocked an arrow, also ready to get out her sword if needed. She was stronger with her bow, but sword-fighting was much handier in certain situations.
    Her eyes grew wide when the sudden attacks came onto her team. She knew she couldn’t hide in the bushes forever. Spotting someone trying to attack Audrey and Dahlia, she let loose her arrow at the person, and immediately ran towards Audrey and Dahlia. Breathless, she knelt down, looking around for Sage, or Ilana, or any other healers. “Hey. I’m no healer, but I can protect you guys. See? No wounds.”
    Immediately after she said that, the person she’d shot an arrow at grabbed her shoulders with an oily smile fixed on his face. “Spoke too soon, I’m afraid,” he said, giving just enough time for her to bring out her sword. She managed to slash at his forehead, leaving a deep cut which would definitely last. He swung his dagger out. Julia tried to block him with her sword, but he was too fast. Julia cried out as he cut her good hand, and just managed to kick him as hard as she could before collapsing next to her friends. The man too had collapsed with the force of her kick.

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  14. Gwen continued to fight, Chakris flying, blood and sweet dripping. Her monkey, now named Macaco, had gone out to gather the Chakri that stuck into a tree, but through the loudness of the fighting crowd, she heard a sharp whine from Macaco.
    Gwen’s heart dropped and she momentarily stopped fighting. Macaco limped over, Chakri in hand, with an arrow stuck in his leg. Gwen lifted him onto her shoulder whispering “it’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay.”
    Macaco whimpered, and while Gwen was distracted, she didn’t notice a Dark member sneak up in her.
    She attempted to dodge out of the way but a small throwing knife stuck into her arm.
    Gwen knocked the Dark member in the head and clutched her arm.
    “I need a healer over here!”
    Gwen groaned at the sight of her blood and Macaco whimpered.
    She couldn’t help her mind wander to her past, and Gwen let out a small sob.
    Where were all the healers?

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  15. Kyra’s gaze swept back and forth spotting Gwen on the other side of the clearing. She was clutching her arm with blood overflowing onto her hand. “I’m coming Gwen!” Kyra cried as she made her way over to her teammate. Her heart was beating so fast. What if she couldn’t save someone? No, she had to focus on saving Gwen. Kyra spilled her bag’s contents on the floor desperately searching for the right herbs and a clean cloth. She pressed the cloth to Gwen’s wound just as she had done earlier. She gagged her way through the dressing process. Gwen seemed to be recovering. “Just another minute and you can go again. As for your monkey, I’ll help him now and he’ll be ready to come with you.” Kyra repeated the process with Gwen’s monkey. She wiped beads of sweat from her forehead. Soon enough, Gwen was back on her feet in the middle of the chaos fighting alongside her teammates.

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    • Rae took over applying pressure to Dahlia’s wound while Kyra went to help Gwen. As Rae looked over, she noticed more and more people on their team falling from wounds. They were most certainly losing. “Here.” Rae turned to Audrey. “Keep hold on this cloth. I’m going to see if I can do something.” Rae ran over to the archer she took down earlier, stole the bow and arrows, and took to the trees, the branches scratching her burns. Even though a bow wasn’t her best skill, she shot down anyone she could on the other team.

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      • As Rae went back into the fight, Audrey stayed by Dahlia’s side. She would fight anyone who tried to mess with them again. Dahlia wouldn’t be able to handle another injury. She was already struggling as it was.

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  16. Elle noticed some familiar faces in the chaos- Dahlia, Kyra, Audrey, Julia…
    She made her way towards them. Dahlia was injured badly. Kyra was doing all she could to heal her.
    “Goodness, please no. Please be okay,” she chewed her lips, panicking.
    She wasn’t the strongest in her team. Gosh, she was probably the most chicken-est of them all. But she could try protecting some of them as they were injured, and she would. She wasn’t injured, just had a scratch, and so she would fight with all her might.
    It is going to be okay, she told herself. Is it, though? They were losing. They all were going to die. No Elle, she scolded herself. She reminded herself what Sage said, ‘We can do this, guys!! For Tanith!!”
    She moved in front of her teammates and held up Felix, doing her best to block attacks.

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  17. Sage stood on the edge of the fight, watching her friends struggle against the attackers. It had been easy to slip to the shadows, since everyone was too busy fighting to notice an unimportant healer. She had to do something, but she was just a healer. That feeling of uselessness rose up in her once more, but she squelched it down. Now wasn’t the time for this. But still, why was she even here? When Rae was gathering others to help her save Tanith, of course, Sage had tagged along, but she knew if it came to this, there was nothing she could do. She had no weapons and no fighting skills. But standing here doing nothing wasn’t better. She saw a few of her friends take some nasty wounds from the attackers but she couldn’t get to them on the other side of the battlefield.
    She clenched her jaw, angry that she couldn’t help. And angrier still that she was just standing over here while her friends took the blows, wondering if she should’ve never come.
    Argh! The overwhelming doubts and fears flooded her mind, but as the battle ensured, she made her decision. Maybe she shouldn’t have come. Maybe there was nothing she could do to help. But she’d never know just sitting here. She grabbed a rock and hurled it at the nearest attacker. And as he crumpled to the ground, Sage knew Rae had been right. They were stronger together. She grabbed another rock and ran into the fight.

    (Y’all I have no idea if I did that right. XD)

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  18. Amethyst scanned the fight looking for her teammates. She wouldn’t leave Dahlia’s side until Keonna came with the potions, but she could still get a head count. “IF YOU’RE INJURED BUT..er…CAN STILL TALK, HOLLAR SOS AND I’LL GET TO YOU AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!” She shouted. Yeah, she had no idea if that would work, but it was worth a shot.

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  19. Ilana was still crouched on the ground after taking care of Julia’s hand, when she felt the tip of a blade press against her neck. Ilana reached behind her and grabbed the ankle of her attacker, causing the attacker to fall backward. Ilana jumped to her feet and faced the person now on the ground.

    It was a boy only a couple of years older than Ilana. Immediately, he grabbed his knife that had fallen out of his hand when he hit the ground and got to his feet. “Well, well, well, we meet again, Ilana.”

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    • Ilana narrowed her eyes and brushed a loose strand of hair out of her face. “You’re using a knife, Reed? You’re not even a guardian.”

      “I need some sort of weapon,” Reed said.

      “I’m a healer too, and I don’t need a knife,” Ilana said, before waving a thick vine to whip his wrist.

      When she did so, Reed grabbed his wrist and yelled out, dropping his knife again in the process. His face turned red with anger, and he pulled something out of his pocket.

      Ilana didn’t have time to process the bottle with the dark-colored powder before Reed tossed it in her face. She tried to wipe the dust away from her eyes, and then she felt light-headed. Her feet moved, but she couldn’t feel the ground beneath her. Will Amethyst even be able to cure me, she thought before she felt her head hit something hard, and her mind lost consciousness.

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      • Manasi struggled to get to Ilana, blinded by her own dust storm. A hand thwacked her head, and she clumsily kicked her attacker’s stomach. God, fighting really was difficult. He tumbled to the ground and laid still. He was the one who dumped the powder in Ilana’s face, Manasi realized. She was a little angry with him, but left him where he was.
        She wasn’t very strong, so carrying Ilana was near impossible- she just dragged Ilana’s body instead, over to where Audrey and Dahlia were.
        “Audrey,” Manasi yelled, “Please help her…”
        Manasi sat next to them again, looking out for anybody else she could help.

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      • “Oh no Ilana!!!!” Manasi had dragged Ilana near her. “I’m not a healer, though!” She told Manasi worridly. She remembered that Amathyst told everyone to yell “SOS” if anyone was in trouble. “SOS!!!!!!!!” Audrey yelled as loud as she could.

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      • Audrey couldn’t wait any longer. Thanks to Amethyst’s help, Audrey learned to take care of small wounds and Dahlia was slowly but surely healing. She was even conscious for a quick minute.
        Audrey frantically looked around. Amethyst once showed her a plant that could take care of wounds and help the unconscious. She spotted it but it was a couple yards away. “Should I risk leaving them alone here?” She wondered. “Manasi!” She called. “Stay with Dahlia and Ilana. I’ll be right back.” She told her. Manasi nodded. Audrey was able to grab the plant. She carefully opened Dahlia’s and Ilana’s mouth and put a small piece in each of their mouths.
        After quite a while, Ilana groaned. Dahlia was still unconscious, which was reasonable since she was deeply wounded. Ilana slowly sat up and Audrey used her water powers to give Ilana some water to drink. “Thank you.” Ilana whispered. Audrey nodded at her. She would have to remember to thank Amethyst later. Without her lessons, Audrey might have not been able to help Ilana. She smiled as she remembered about all the times she asked Amethyst so many questions about healing people. Healers always fascinated Audrey.

        (Btw, sorry i’m not liking any comments, it won’t lemme for some reason =/ )

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      • Ilana’s vision slowly cleared up. She saw Audrey and Manasi sitting next to her, and Dahila was lying on the ground, unconscious. It took Ilana a moment to realized what must have happened.
        “Thank you, Audrey and Manasi! You save my life!” Ilana smiled at her friends, grateful for how amazing they were.

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  20. Amare immediately grabbed a rock and threw it at her attacker who pointed an arrow at her. She needed a weapon, so she took her attacker’s bow and arrows and started shooting at the enemies. Since she wasn’t a guardian, her aim wasn’t that good. She missed some of her opponents but was able to hit a few. Just as she shoots her last arrow, she heard a twig snap behind her, then a groan. She turned around and saw one of the enemies with an arrow in his chest. She knew one of her friends had saved her. Amare was glad she was fighting with her friends. They were stronger together, just like Rae said. She grabbed a sword and went to help her friends fight. Her sword clash against a boy’s sword who came charging at her. They fought till he used his sword to cut against Amare’s leg. She screamed in pain as he knocked her sword out of her hand and pushed her to the ground. Her opponent stood over her with his sword raised. Then he paused and said, “Amare?”

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    • Amare knew that voice. It belongs to her long-lost twin brother: Arthur. Although he didn’t look like her brother. His hair was cut short, he was much taller than when she last saw him, and he had freckles. But when Amare looked into his eyes and had heard his voice, she knew it was him.

      “Arthur! What are you doing here?!” Amare asked.

      “I could ask the same thing about you?” he answered back. He has a very good point, Amare thought.

      “I would answer that, but shouldn’t we be fighting for our lives, instead of talking like we’re old buddies who hadn’t seen each other in forever?” Amare asked.

      “We probably should, but I’m more interested in all that has happened to my sister while I was gone.” Arthur replied then added, “Plus, then I will have to kill you, and I don’t want to do that.”

      “It is good to know you still cared.” Amare sarcastically replied. She then got up, grabbed her sword, and went to attack an enemy who was going after one of her friends. Arthur came to help and finished him off.

      “Why are you helping me?” Amare asked curiously.

      “You’re my sister. News flash, I still care about you.” Arthur answered. When Amare gave him a glare, he added, “Just see it as one Mage helping another.”

      As soon as he said that, Amare’s eyes went wide as she remembered something. “That’s right! I’m a Mage!” she exclaimed.

      “You just now realized that?!” Arthur asked, sarcastically.

      Amare ignored him as she used her Earth Mage powers against the enemies, protecting her friends, while her brother kept off anyone coming close to her. He is soooo overprotective, Amare thought.

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  21. Manasi struggled to her feet, silently thanking whatever amazing healer had brought her back to consciousness. She chanted a quick prayer, and bowed her head while crossing her hand over her heart.
    Her body ached, and she was bruised in too many places to count, but she was still breathing.
    An idea has struck her right before she’d fainted- what if the rest of the Dark were only listening to their leader?? They weren’t playing the long game- they were just fighting and struggling. If they knocked out the person on top, then wouldn’t the people below disintegrate into chaos??
    She hobbled over to Rae, and then whispered what she’d just thought about into Rae’s ear. Rae nodded.
    “We’ll take out Eyepatch together- but first, we need to be able to get past the others… And a distraction. I can handle that.”, Manasi said. “I’ll round the others up, too.” Rae nodded again.
    Manasi strode over to Dahlia and Audrey- making sure to give Audrey her thanks- and then a nearby tree, cupped her hands over her mouth and yelled “EVERYONE… TO ME!!”
    She didn’t wait for a response- it was now, or never.
    Dust had always been easier to work with than soil- it was lighter and airier and easier to play around with. Manasi conjured up more and more of it, swirling it around and blowing it out everywhere. A dust storm would provide the perfect opportunity for the others to finish off whichever attackers were holding them back, and rush to finish off Eyepatch.
    She pulled more and more of it from the ear, and the frenzied winds that were rushing through the forest only made things easier. Manasi laughed loudly- using her Mage powers always felt so, so good.
    She didn’t have much energy left, though- so in one final move, she flung all the dust she possibly could up into the air. The wind would do its job- it already was, because everything around was just a brown haze.
    She scampered down the tree and sat on her haunches next to Dahlia and Audrey- waiting for the others to join them.

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    • “You are a genius Manasi!” Rae heard the crunch of a branch behind Manasi and threw her dagger just in time to intercept the attacker. “I’ve noticed a lot of the people fighting here are relatives or old friends that don’t really want to fight. I think you are right, if we take down the eyepatch dude, maybe the fighting will stop. After all, he’s the one that’s fueling the fight. See if you can spread the word and tell everyone on our team or anyone who will fight for us to gather weapons from fallen people and then we’ll meet back here as a group. We are stronger together. Of course, we’ll have to leave some team members with the wounded, but those who want to fight or can fight, will help us take him down. I’ll see you here back in a bit.” Rae darted away to find the other team members.

      {Next post, (coming the 23rd) we will fight the eye patch dude and see if we win or lose!}

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      • Sage heard Manasi’s shout and hurried over to the others. “That’s a great plan!” she exclaimed, through deep breaths. “I still have those healing herbs I bought at the market if you guys need me to stay with the wounded.” She showed everyone the herbs. “Besides, I’m a lover, not a fighter.”

        (don’t know where that came from 😂)

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      • “Sage!” Audrey yelped excitedly. “Maybe you and Amethyst can work together to help Dahlia! She’s healing…slowly…but it might help if you use your herbs as well.”

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    • “Great plan!” Ilana said to Manasi. As their teammates started coming towards Manasi, Ilana said, “We can do this guys. Together, we can take down the eye-patch dude. Together, we will fight to save Tanith!” She looked around at her friends, giving them encouraging smiles. “We can win this!”
      Her friends nodded.
      Ilana’s heart picked up pace as she waited for the rest of their group. She hoped her friends were alright and not too badly wounded. When Rae got back, Ilana said, “I’m still able to fight, but if you need me to stay with the wounded I can.”

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      • “That sounds awesome, Rae and Manasi! I’ll stay with Sage and Ilana, if she doesn’t fight, and any others to help the wounded.” Besides, Amethyst wasn’t big on fighting to kill. She preferred helping people fight for their lives instead.

        (OOC: Also, *hides* sorry for being so absent today. #BusyAsABee XD But a HUGE thumbs up to Audrey and Manasi for saving Ilana!!!!! You two rocked it and I’m glad Amethyst’s lessons on healing helped you out Audrey! 😉 You did a FANTABULOUS job and Amethyst couldn’t be more prouder!) 😀

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    • As Gwen continued fighting, dust swarmed around her making it nearly impossible to see. The air felt thick and she struggled to breathe.
      Several sharp objects nicked her skin and clothes but Gwen flung her arms out, hitting the occasional arm or weapon while holding a Chakri in each hand.
      She heard shouts and familiar voices, but couldn’t focus enough to make anything out.
      A tug at her boot got her attention and Gwen glanced down to see the outline of Macaco.
      Macaco lead her to the base of a tree where her friends all sat huddled together.
      “What’s the plan?” Gwen coughed. Manasi explained her idea and Gwen nodded in agreement
      “Im in.” Gwen swiped a Chakri through the air, “whatever it takes, we’ll take out the Eyepatch guy and save Tanith.”

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  22. Elle heard Manasi’s shout. She was quite near Manasi and the others, so she darted forward-
    Pain exploded in her head, and she saw stars. She fell on the forest ground, Felix dropping from her hands. Someone had hit her on the head. With what, she didn’t know. But it hurt. She tried to get up but fell on her side. She couldn’t see where she had fallen in all the dust swirling around her.
    Someone kicked her. Hard. She fell onto her back, pain exploding in her body. A foot came down on her neck and pressed hard, cutting off her air supply.
    Her vision blackened at the edges. With weak hands, she searched the ground around her for Felix. The foot choked her harder.
    Her hand came across the hilt of something.  A dagger!
    With fumbling fingers, she grabbed it and stabbed it into the leg of her attacker. Her attacker yelped, and the foot lifted from her neck. She heard a thump- someone falling- hopefully, the person who had attacked her.
    She immediately got up, though rather clumsily. Taking a few remaining steps towards Manasi and Julia, she collapsed beside them, trying to catch her breath.
    “Okay, that was awesome. What are we doing?” she gasped, clutching the dagger she had found.

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    • “Yikes,” Manasi mumbled, staring at the bruises forming on Elle’s neck. “You’re okay, right??”
      “Just wait for the others, and for Rae. We’re going to take Eyepatch out- that’ll discourage the other Dark members from attacking, I think. Just see if there’s anybody you can help.”

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      • “Never been better,” Elle took in a shuddering breath, glad that she wasn’t alone.
        “I lost Felix, though. Not that it matters right now.” It did to her. But it wasn’t the time to whine.
        Elle nodded at what Manasi told her to do, and her mouth tilted up at the corners, “That sounds good. Eyepatch guy is going down on the ground. Are you okay, though?”

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  23. Hiding behind a bush was not exactly the best idea Annalise had had, but she was terrified. The whole journey had been going great up till now. They’d found the All Knowing Gem, only to get sent to an ambush of some sort. The white deer was nowhere to be seen. Her friends were injured. Everybody was exhausted. Except her. No, she had to be the scaredy-cat and let her friends do all the work, didn’t she?

    But then she saw an attacker. They were facing the other way, a metre away from her. There were plenty of stones on the ground that she could use to knock them out, and help the team. She grabbed a stone. But she didn’t throw it. She didn’t know why, maybe she was too scared? Maybe she shouldn’t have joined. She was only a Healer, and a lot less skilled than the other Healers. She barely helped. Before, when they were in the cave, she couldn’t even solve the number code.

    “Hiding, hmm?” a horrible, harsh voice asked her quietly, and her heart pounded. “I wonder why that may be?” the voice continued. “Don’t deny it, you can easily see that you’re on the losing side. Join us. We can make you rich beyond your wildest dreams. Have powers not even a Mage possesses. Well then, will you join us? All you have to do is nod.” For a few seconds she thought that she should join the harsh voice and their team. But then that thought was overruled.She had came along for a reason, hadn’t she? She was going to help save Tanith! She took a few deep breaths before answering.

    “No thanks.” And she pushed them away, regretting not learning how to fight properly. Then she ran faster than she ever had before. After she felt she was a good distance away from them, she noticed that she had ran away from the battle, and so she’d have to knock out her opponent before returning to the battle to do what she was good at: healing. She found a stick on the ground; maybe not the best of weapons, but she had to help the others somehow.

    When her opponent came to her, slightly out of breath and losing the menacing act they had put on, she tried to hurl the stick at them and found them lying on the grass with a small bruise on their forehead. She had succeeded. She had only taken down one opponent, but at least this might have helped the team at least slightly. She ran back to start healing.


  24. Keonna looked around. The Darks were all avoiding her after she mercilessly wiped out almost ten people.
    She panted and wiped the blood and sweat off of her forehead. She wiped her blade on her red tunic and grinned maliciously. “Who’s next?” she asked breathlessly.
    Keonna had small cuts and bruises all over her body, but the high of the adrenaline rushing through her veins was erasing all possible pain.
    She noticed a familiar face covered in shadows with the other Darks. Holy—
    “Elian?” She squinted.
    He got closer. Yeah, this was the other Tylandale kid. Her brother. Wasn’t he killed?
    Elian tilted his head. He grinned crookedly. “Hey sis.”
    Keonna could feel a hot rush of tears threatening her pride. She wiped them away.
    Elian tossed a potion in the air. “You’ll never win. You know that, right? I’ve been healing up our side.” He winked. “And I’ve picked up some damaging spells.”
    He quickly poured the bottle on Keonna and she heard a crack in her arm. She didn’t care.
    She unsheathed her sword and scraped off all she could. “Fight me, you little coward.”
    Keonna whistled for her wolf and Pyra came running.
    “It’s payback time, little bro.”

    (OOG: this comment is so long; sorry. Also… hey, it’s my in-game bro!)

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    • Elian poured something on himself and disappeared like a ghost.
      His disembodied voice laughed. “I’ve learned so much more! I can do anything now! Like THIS.”
      Keonna felt something on her back. She coughed up blood.
      He had stabbed her in the back.
      She collapsed, desperately thinking of ways to end him.
      She managed to get an arrow out and throw it. It landed with a wet thump! in his neck.
      Elian rolled his eyes and took the arrow out. “Haven’t you realized?”
      He reappeared and crouched at her face. “I’m immortal.
      “I can make you immortal, too. Join me, sister. You’ll experience so much more power.”
      Keonna slapped his hand away. “Never! You’re just bitter… because… I was the favorite…”
      Her eyes closed suddenly. No!
      She… wasn’t… ready…
      Keonna passed out quietly, bleeding heavily.

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      • Amare heard Manasi’s shouts and thought it was a great plan. Just as she was about to join her friends, she saw Keonna knocked out. She quickly ran to help her.

        “What are you doing!?” her brother, Arthur, shouted to her.

        Amare ignored him and ran over to Keonna. She saw that Keonna was wounded and needed a healer’s help. Just as Amare was going to drag her friend back to the others, one of the enemies came charging towards them. Thankfully, Arthur came to fight him off, giving Amare enough time to bring Keonna to safety.

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      • Amethyst gasped and ran over to Keonna. If their best fighter was out for long, the team would surely be crippled. She pulled out the potions Keonna bought at the market and found the healing one. Knowing she didn’t have anymore potions of that kind was unnerving, but she’d just have to make do. Amethyst pulled out the bottle’s cork and drained the contents down Keonna’s throat, adding a tinge of her powers to boost the effects. Soon enough, Keonna’s bleeding stopped and she slowly regained consciousness.

        “Hey, Keonna,” she smiled. “You’re awake just in time. We’re really gonna need your help defeating Eyepatch. In fact, would you like me to enhance your powers?”

        (OOC: Lemme know if you do over at pt. 5’s post!) 😀

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  25. Cassie woke up suddenly, and blinked, not quite sure where she was. The last thing she remember was- killing the guy, and then moving to the edge of the fighting.
    Her head hurt. She reached up and brushed the back of it, not surprised to find a large gooseegg. Apparently, she’d been knocked out.
    Drowsily, she made her way to the others, dimly recognizing Dahlia, the other water mage, Keonna, and Manasi. There were also a few others she sorta remembered.

    OOG://sorry I haven’t really been on very much, due to some irl crap that came up, so this is my solution lol I should be on more now! 🙂

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      • “I’m okay. It’s just a headache.” In truth, it might be a concussion, Cassie knew, but others were clearly in much worse shape. She could handle what she needed to.
        “OH no, Dahlia’s passed out?” Cassie bit her lip. She wasn’t sure if some water magic power swirling around Dahlia might give her some strength and help her recover… “Is there anything I can do, maybe? Being another water mage and all that.”
        And Keonna had been stabbed in the back, “Where is she?!” Cassie asked. For some reason, she’d actually gotten a bit close to Keonna- closer than she’d thought she’d get to anyone on this mission, and she didn’t want her to die.

        “Ah… bruises could be worse. I’m glad you’re mostly okay though.” she said, smiling.

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      • Julia considered this. “I’m not a healer, and I don’t know much at all about this… stuff. But I think you may be on to something. Keonna’s over there. I think Elle got her over. Apparently he’s her brother.” Julia looked away. “In the few years I knew her, she never mentioned a brother. I guess I know why now.”

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      • “Maybe… I dunno. I’ll wait for a healer though. I don’t wanna mess anything up.” Cassie said, “Oh gosh.” Cassie began walking over slowly to Keonna, not sure if Julia would followed, but also she knew Julia and Keonna were far closer than she was with anyone in the group, “Yea. Brothers… family… can be…” Cassie called them a word she usually avoided, but she felt there was no other adequate in the situation.

        OOG: I apologize if this makes no sense, my current 4 am brain says it makes sense but it very well might not so yea.

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      • Cassie nodded and made her way near Keonna, but she didn’t move to see her wound or anything. It appeared it was already being taken care of by an actual healer.
        At Julia’s quiet words, something inside of Cassie twisted, “I’m sorry.” she told the younger girl, sorry she’d never had a family, it seemed, from what she said.

        (OOG: LOL ty)

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      • “Sometimes.” Julia hesitated a while before adding, “I was adopted by my aunt when I was four. My cousins are like my brothers… but my younger one and I have.. let’s just say drifted apart over the last couple years.” Julia sniffed. “I don’t really like talking about my past much. Or myself.”

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      • Cassie listened to Julia’s story before nodding, “I’m really, really sorry.” she said, giving the younger girl a friendly smile, “and I do get it… as for me, I grew up with a sister… who… welll…. left me for another.” Her voice was quiet and bitter, not getting into all the details of the leaving and the rift, but just the facts.

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      • “It’s all fine, I guess. Andy – my older cousin – is the best person in the world to me.” Julia studied Cassie’s face for a few moments before saying, “oh, Cassie. I’m sorry.” She patted Cassie’s shoulder, kind of awkwardly. “I.. am here if you need to talk. I know I have been a little cold, but that’s just because I don’t really know anyone here. Correction, didn’t .”

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      • “Yea… it’s okay. It happened several years ago, but thank you.” Cassie really did appreciate Julia reaching out and offering that, but she wasn’t sure… it was a long, painful story and she wasn’t sure it was a great time to recount it.

        OOG://Rayna, our POOR CHARACTERS ahhh their lives are so sad aren’t they?

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    • Manasi pat Cassie gently on the shoulder. “Nice to see you alive, Cassie,” she said while smiling.
      “I hope that you’re alright…”

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  26. Sage rushed over to Cassie and immediately began checking her head wound out. “I think you’ll be okay but here’s some herbs that should ease the edge off.” Sage handed a few herbs to Cassie and stood to survey the battlefield to see who else needed a healer.

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  27. (couldn’t figure out how to reply to your comment, Audrey/Shruthika up there so I’m doing it down here, lol)

    Sage turned to Audrey. “I’m kinda lost where everyone is right now, so just led the way to Dahlia and I’ll see what I can do to help her.” She clutched her healing herbs, hoping she’d be able to do something to help Dahlia.

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    • Elle returned with weapons clutched under her arm and a gash on her cheek.
      “Here, weapons,” she panted and threw the weapons on the ground, leaving them for anyone who might need them. “Let’s go take that Eyepatch guy down!”

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